
About Me

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I'm Kyle, and I forget when I start my laundry. Also, I am a small human being and apparently a college student. I laugh a lot - usually in my brain, and usually when nobody else laughs. Oh, and I've probably consumed more Skittles than any other human being on planet earth.
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Chasing Sunsets

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Only in Kansas can you chase a sunset."

That simple sentence gave me a lot to think about. "I'm in Kansas, how did I end up out here?" I thought as we silently chased the sun. Chasing sunsets - that's really what we do. As we chase the sun, we're chasing light - that's how I ended up here; I found light some time ago, and I've been sent here to bring that light to those who have been, and are, chasing it. As they 'chase the sun' are they even aware? Do they realize the object of their search? Do they know that the light is within their reach? Perhaps some do - I think so. But more often than not, the answer is no. But there is one who always knows, He is keenly aware - He is, after all, the creator of light, and He starts each one of us on our search for it. Then once we find it, after searching long and hard, He tells us "Hold it up, there are others searching too." So we hold up our light, it's all we know to do. We hold it out, we hold it up, we don't apologize - we can't, because we know the truth.

Then something happens, something changes, and it's then that we realize we have just become a part of another person's search. Life is now different, it can't be the same. It's no longer just about me - I'm holding a light that countless others are looking for.

It's times like this that I feel small, that I feel I can't do it alone - and I can't; it's like that by design you know, we're not in this alone. It's not really even our light that we're holding up, it's His - and it's His banner to the world. Keep in mind - a candle does not create light, it carries it. So I carry the light, holding it up as high as I can, knowing as I do my part, He will always do His. Remember - He started each and every one on their search, and He gently guides them along the way.

I think I'll always remember this calm October night, as we tried to chase the sun, and catch its golden light. For it's times like these that I realize I am a part of something much larger than myself.

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